Please complete the 2025-2026 Registration Form information below. Be sure to indicate only class choices that your child is able to attend, with First Choice being your top choice. You will need to submit your non-refundable $125.00 Registration Fee by mail, as we do not have a way to accept payment online at this time.
Payment by check or cash can be dropped off or sent to: Saint Ambrose Early Childhood, Attn: Sara Skogsberg, 4125 Woodbury Drive, Woodbury, MN 55129. We do ask that we receive your payment within 3 days of registration form submission. Please make your check out to SAINT AMBROSE. Thank you! If you would like to come in for a tour to see the center and meet the teachers, please let us know and we will help you get a tour time set up! We can be reached at 651-768-3031 to help with questions or to schedule a tour. Thank you!